Utilisation des médias numériques et santé mentale

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Médias numériques[1] use and mental health is a topic that explores the correlation between the use of digital tools such as computers, smartphones, and the Internet[2], and mental health conditions. This subject includes understanding whether there are specific diagnostic criteria for problematic digital media use, as currently, there are no universally accepted guidelines. It also investigates the impact of digital media on children and adolescents and how it could potentially affect their mental health. The term ‘problematic use’ is often used to describe overuse or dependence on digital media, with some debate around the term ‘addiction’. This field also includes research into the effects of digital media use on mental health and the recommendations to manage its use. Finally, it seeks to understand the wide reach of digital media, as seen in the high rates of ownership of digital devices and access to the internet.

Définitions des termes
1. Médias numériques ( Digital media ) Digital media refers to any form of media that uses electronic devices for distribution. This form of media can be created, viewed, modified, and distributed on digital electronics devices. Digital media encompasses a wide range of items including software, digital images, digital videos, video games, web pages, and websites. It came to prominence with the rise of digital computers which enabled the binary representation of data. Over the years, digital media has evolved, causing significant societal and cultural shifts. It has also impacted various industries such as journalism, publishing, education, and entertainment. Additionally, digital media has given rise to new trends and legal challenges, especially in terms of copyright laws. The consumption of digital media has rapidly increased with growing internet access and the rise of social media platforms.
2. Internet. L'internet est un système mondial de réseaux informatiques interconnectés qui utilisent des protocoles de communication normalisés, principalement le TCP/IP, pour relier des appareils dans le monde entier. Issu du terme "internetted" utilisé en 1849, le terme "Internet" a ensuite été utilisé par le ministère américain de la guerre en 1945. Son développement a commencé avec des informaticiens qui ont créé des systèmes de partage de temps dans les années 1960 et a progressé avec la création d'ARPANET en 1969. L'internet est autogéré, sans autorité centrale, et ses principaux espaces de noms sont administrés par l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Il a considérablement transformé les moyens de communication traditionnels et s'est développé de manière exponentielle au fil des ans, le nombre d'internautes augmentant de 20% à 50% par an. En 2019, plus de la moitié de la population mondiale utilisait l'internet. La suite de protocoles internet, qui comprend le protocole TCP/IP et quatre couches conceptuelles, guide les paquets internet jusqu'à leur destination. Des services essentiels comme le courrier électronique et la téléphonie par internet fonctionnent sur l'internet. Le World Wide Web, une collection mondiale de documents interconnectés, est un élément clé de l'internet.

The relationships between médias numériques use and mental health have been investigated by various researchers—predominantly psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, and medical experts—especially since the mid-1990s, after the growth of the World Wide Web. A significant body of research has explored "overuse" phenomena, commonly known as "digital addictions", or "digital dependencies." These phenomena manifest differently in many societies and cultures. Some experts have investigated the benefits of moderate digital media use in various domains, including in mental health, and the treatment of mental health problems with novel technological solutions.

The delineation between beneficial and pathological use of digital media has not been established. There are no widely accepted diagnostic criteria, although some experts consider overuse a manifestation of underlying psychiatric disorders. The prevention and treatment of pathological digital media use is also not standardized, although guidelines for safer media use for children and families have been developed. The 2013 fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) do not include diagnoses for problematic internet use et problematic social media use; the ICD-11 includes a diagnosis for gaming disorder (commonly known as video game addiction), whereas the DSM-5 does not. Debate over how and when to diagnose these conditions is ongoing as of 2023. The use of the term addiction to refer to these phenomena and diagnoses has been questioned.

Digital media and screen time have changed how children think, interact and develop in positive and negative ways, but researchers are unsure about the existence of hypothesized causal links between digital media use and mental health outcomes. Those links appear to depend on the individual and the platforms they use. Several large technology firms have made commitments or announced strategies to try to reduce the risks of digital media use.

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