Exécution (informatique)

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In the realm of computing, the term “execution” refers to the process by which a ordinateur[2] carries out instructions. This process begins with the creation of programs in source code, which is then compiled into an executable file. This file is loaded into the computer’s memory by the operating system and then run from its entry point until it either terminates normally or crashes. The execution process takes place in a specific context, often within multitasking operating systems, and utilizes resources such as run-time libraries. During execution, the computer follows the fetch-decode-execute cycle, and different programming languages manage potential errors in unique ways. Execution also involves a runtime system that provides an environment for the program to operate in and manages application memory and variable access. Some execution processes may involve interpreters, which execute programs directly without translation[1], or virtual machines, which emulate the functions of a physical computer.

Définitions des termes
1. translation. Translation is a critical linguistic practice that involves converting text or speech from one language to another while maintaining the original meaning, style, and intent. Originating from Latin, its theories have evolved across centuries from ancient metaphrase and paraphrase concepts to modern computer-assisted methods. It plays a vital role in global communication, cultural exchange, and knowledge preservation. The practice has unique traditions and challenges across Western, Near East, and Asian regions. It requires high proficiency in languages and subject matter expertise, akin to the skills of a musician or actor in their respective fields. The field of translation has seen significant historical developments, from ancient civilizations to modern automation efforts, underscoring the importance of translators in society.
2. ordinateur. Un ordinateur est un appareil sophistiqué qui manipule des données ou des informations conformément à un ensemble d'instructions, appelées programmes. De par leur conception, les ordinateurs peuvent effectuer un large éventail de tâches, allant des simples calculs arithmétiques au traitement et à l'analyse de données complexes. Ils ont évolué au fil des ans, depuis les outils de comptage primitifs comme le boulier jusqu'aux machines numériques modernes. Le cœur d'un ordinateur est son unité centrale de traitement (UC), qui comprend une unité arithmétique et logique (UAL) pour effectuer les opérations mathématiques et des registres pour stocker les données. Les ordinateurs disposent également d'unités de mémoire, comme la ROM et la RAM, pour stocker les informations. Les autres composants comprennent des dispositifs d'entrée/sortie (E/S) qui permettent d'interagir avec la machine et des circuits intégrés qui améliorent la fonctionnalité de l'ordinateur. Des innovations historiques majeures, comme l'invention du premier ordinateur programmable par Charles Babbage et le développement du premier ordinateur numérique électronique automatique, l'ordinateur Atanasoff-Berry (ABC), ont grandement contribué à leur évolution. Aujourd'hui, les ordinateurs alimentent l'internet, relient des milliards d'utilisateurs dans le monde entier et sont devenus un outil essentiel dans presque tous les secteurs d'activité.

Execution à ordinateur and software engineering is the process by which a ordinateur ou virtual machine interpret and acts on the instructions of a computer program. Each instruction of a program is a description of a particular action which must be carried out, in order for a specific problem to be solved. Execution involves repeatedly following a "fetch–decode–execute" cycle for each instruction done by control unit. As the executing machine follows the instructions, specific effects are produced in accordance with the semantics of those instructions.

Programs for a computer may be executed in a batch process without human interaction or a user may type commands in an interactive session of an interpreter. In this case, the "commands" are simply program instructions, whose execution is chained together.

Le terme run is used almost synonymously. A related meaning of both "to run" and "to execute" refers to the specific action of a user starting (or launching ou invoking) a program, as in "Please run the application."

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