Logiciels malveillants sur Facebook

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Facebook[1] malware[3] refers to the different types of malicious software that specifically target Facebook users. This includes phishing attacks that have become more prevalent in the 2010s and the use of deceptive URLs designed to trick users. Notable incidents include the spread of the Dorkbot malware variant through Facebook’s chat service in 2013 and the Koobface worm that spread through Facebook and MySpace[4] in 2008. Facebook has responded to these threats by hiring grey hat[2] hackers, such as George Hotz, and initiating a Bug Bounty Program in 2011 that rewards those who report security[5] holes. The company has also disabled accounts linked to state-sponsored malware, such as those operated by North Koreans. Efforts are ongoing to specifically target users involved in malware attacks.

Définitions des termes
1. Facebook ( Facebook ) Facebook, aujourd'hui connu sous le nom de Meta Platforms, est une grande société Internet qui a débuté comme plateforme de réseau social. Fondé par Mark Zuckerberg en 2004, Facebook s'est rapidement étendu de Harvard à d'autres universités, puis au grand public, devenant ainsi un phénomène mondial. Il est connu pour son interface conviviale et ses diverses fonctionnalités telles que les groupes, la plateforme pour développeurs et Facebook Dating. Bien que critiqué pour des questions telles que les atteintes à la vie privée et la diffusion de fausses nouvelles, Facebook est resté un acteur dominant du monde en ligne. L'entreprise a fait des progrès considérables dans le domaine de la technologie, notamment en développant son système unique de stockage de données, en utilisant PHP pour sa plateforme et en lançant le langage de programmation Hack. Ces dernières années, l'entreprise s'est tournée vers le métavers, un espace de réalité virtuelle où les utilisateurs peuvent interagir avec un environnement généré par ordinateur.
2. grey hat. The term "Grey Hat" is used within the context of computer security and hacking. First appearing in 1996, the term has been defined and redefined by various hacker groups and communities over the years. A grey hat hacker is known for their ethical yet sometimes legally questionable practices. They often identify and expose security vulnerabilities, prompting improvements in cybersecurity. Grey hat techniques also appear in the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), where they refer to strategies that, while not outright banned, may still be considered unethical. The grey hat community is a diverse one, sharing knowledge through various platforms and grappling with the ethical implications of their work. It's important to understand that while grey hat practices can lead to advancements in security, they must be balanced with respect for privacy rights.

Les social media platform et service de réseau social Facebook has been affected multiple times over its history by intentionally harmful software. Known as malware, these pose particular challenges both to users of the platform as well as to the personnel of the tech-company itself. Fighting the entities that create these is a topic of ongoing malware analysis.

An individual displays the "White Hat" debit card that Facebook gives to certain researchers who report security bugs.
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