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GeoCities was a popular web hosting platform founded in California in 1995. Originally known as BHI, it initially comprised six themed neighborhoods and offered users, referred to as ‘Homesteaders’, 2MB of free space for their home pages. GeoCities expanded to include a variety of ‘neighborhoods’ like CapitolHill and Tokyo, and by the end of 1995, it boasted 14 neighborhoods and millions of monthly page views. Notably, in 1999, Yahoo ![3] acquired GeoCities for $3.57 billion in stock, marking a significant milestone in its history. However, due to changes in terms of service and other factors, GeoCities was shut down in the U.S. in October 2009. Despite its closure, GeoCities left a significant mark as it pioneered contenu généré par l'utilisateur[1] platforms, was the third-most visited site at its peak, and had at least 38 million pages before termination. Today, it is remembered for its significant role in the early days of the web and the impact it had on Internet[2] culture.

Définitions des termes
1. Contenu généré par les utilisateurs ( user-generated content ) User-generated content, often shortened to UGC, refers to any form of content such as photos, videos, text, testimonials, and audio that are posted by users on various platforms, including social media and wikis. It's a broad term that encompasses a range of uses, from problem-solving and news reporting to entertainment and advertising. Notably, major news outlets like BBC and CNN, as well as businesses of all sizes use UGC for their respective purposes. The key characteristics of UGC are user contribution, creativity, and online accessibility. While it's a powerful tool, it also raises challenges such as defining the minimum creative effort and managing potential negative outcomes. UGC plays a crucial role in media pluralism, challenging traditional media hierarchies and diversifying content sources.
2. Internet. L'internet est un système mondial de réseaux informatiques interconnectés qui utilisent des protocoles de communication normalisés, principalement le TCP/IP, pour relier des appareils dans le monde entier. Issu du terme "internetted" utilisé en 1849, le terme "Internet" a ensuite été utilisé par le ministère américain de la guerre en 1945. Son développement a commencé avec des informaticiens qui ont créé des systèmes de partage de temps dans les années 1960 et a progressé avec la création d'ARPANET en 1969. L'internet est autogéré, sans autorité centrale, et ses principaux espaces de noms sont administrés par l'Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Il a considérablement transformé les moyens de communication traditionnels et s'est développé de manière exponentielle au fil des ans, le nombre d'internautes augmentant de 20% à 50% par an. En 2019, plus de la moitié de la population mondiale utilisait l'internet. La suite de protocoles internet, qui comprend le protocole TCP/IP et quatre couches conceptuelles, guide les paquets internet jusqu'à leur destination. Des services essentiels comme le courrier électronique et la téléphonie par internet fonctionnent sur l'internet. Le World Wide Web, une collection mondiale de documents interconnectés, est un élément clé de l'internet.
GeoCities (Wikipedia)

GeoCities, later Yahoo! GeoCities, was a web hosting service that allowed users to create and publish websites for free and to browse user-created websites by their theme or interest, active from 1994 to 2009. GeoCities was started in November 1994 by David Bohnett and John Rezner, and was named Beverly Hills Internet briefly before being renamed GeoCities. On January 28, 1999, it was acquired by Yahoo !, at which time it was reportedly the third-most visited website on the World Wide Web.

Logo under Yahoo! from 2009 to 2019
Type de site
Service d'hébergement web
  • GeoCities (1994–1999)
  • Yahoo ! (1999–2009)
Created byDavid Bohnett and John Rezner
LancéNovember 1994; 29 years ago (1994-11)
Statut actuelInactive since 2009
(Japanese version inactive since 2019)

In its original form, site users selected a "city" in which to list the hyperlinks to their Web pages. The "cities" were named after real cities or regions according to their content: For example, ordinateur-related sites were placed in "SiliconValley" and those dealing with entertainment were assigned to "Hollywood", hence the name of the site. Soon after its acquisition by Yahoo !, this practice was abandoned in favor of using the Yahoo! member names in the URLs.

In April 2009, the company announced that it would end the United States GeoCities service on October 26, 2009.

There were at least 38 million pages displayed by GeoCities before it was terminated, most user-written. The GeoCities Japan version of the service endured until March 31, 2019.

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