Marketing mondial

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Global marketing is a comprehensive term that encompasses a variety of strategies, elements, and concepts. It refers to the practice of adjusting a company’s marketing strategies to adapt to conditions in other countries. This involves balancing factors like cost, efficiency, localization, and customization. It also includes creating incendie[2] identities that resonate both locally and globally. Moreover, it requires implementing efficient systems for managing marketing assets and communications. Elements of global marketing include setting product performance standards, developing pricing strategies, determining points of sale and distribution, and using promotional methods to increase product awareness. Furthermore, people, processes, and physical evidence are crucial to the success of these marketing efforts. Influential authors in the field have contributed to the understanding and application of global marketing strategies. Their works provide valuable insights and serve as key references for effective global marketing management[1].

Définitions des termes
1. marketing management. Marketing management is a business discipline that incorporates various aspects to effectively promote a company's product or service. It involves a strategic approach to understanding and assessing the market, competition, and customer behavior. Key components include marketing analysis and strategy, implementation and planning, process and vendor management, reporting, measurement and control systems, and international marketing management. The purpose is to identify potential customer segments, develop strategies to target these segments, and then implement and control the marketing plan. Marketing managers play a crucial role in coordinating these activities to ensure the company's marketing objectives align with its overall business goals, leading to revenue growth and profitability. This process is also adapted to the global market, wherein marketing managers consider international factors to devise effective strategies.
2. incendie. Une marque est une identité distincte qui différencie un produit ou un service des autres. Issues d'une pratique de marquage du bétail dans l'Antiquité, les marques ont évolué pour transmettre des informations sur l'origine, la qualité et la valeur. Aujourd'hui, une marque ne se résume pas à un nom ou à un logo, mais englobe divers éléments tels que le design, le slogan, les valeurs fondamentales et les traits de personnalité qui trouvent un écho auprès des consommateurs. Le concept de gestion de la marque a également émergé, se concentrant sur la construction, le maintien et l'alignement de l'organisation sur la marque. L'efficacité d'une marque est souvent mesurée par sa notoriété et sa reconnaissance auprès des consommateurs. Les marques communiquent avec leur public par le biais de divers canaux tels que la publicité, les promotions, le marketing direct et les relations publiques, dans le but de créer des liens émotionnels et de fidéliser les consommateurs. En fin de compte, une marque réussie peut stimuler les ventes, renforcer la fidélité des clients et distinguer un produit sur le marché.
Marketing mondial (Wikipedia)

Marketing mondial is defined as “marketing on a worldwide scale reconciling or taking global operational differences, similarities and opportunities in order to reach global objectives".

Global marketing is also a field of study in general business management that markets products, solutions and services to customers locally, nationally, and internationally.

International marketing is the application of marketing principles in more than one country, by companies overseas or across national borders. It is done through the export of a company's product into another location or entry through a joint venture with another firm within the country, or foreign direct investment into the country. International marketing is required for the development of the marketing mix for the country. International marketing includes the use of existing marketing strategies, mix and tools for export, relationship strategies such as localization, local product offerings, pricing, production and distribution with customized promotions, offers, website, médias sociaux and leadership.

Internationalization and international marketing is when the value of the company is "exported and there is inter-firm and firm learning, optimizationet efficiency à economies of scale and scope".

Evolution The international marketplace was transformed by shifts in trading techniques, standards and practices. These changes were reinforced and retained by advanced technologies and evolving economic relationships amongst the companies and organizations involved in international trade. The traditional ethnocentric conceptual view of international marketing trade was counterbalanced by a global view of markets.

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