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  • A "Face book" refers to a directory-style publication that is commonly used within American(...)
  • Facebook, now known as Meta Platforms, is a major internet company that started as a social(...)
  • Facebook Beacon is a controversial feature introduced by the social media giant Facebook in(...)
  • Facebook has faced numerous controversies related to its content management. These include(...)
  • Facebook Dating is a feature within the popular social media app, Facebook, designed to help(...)
  • Facebook F8 is an annual conference organized by Facebook. It was first held in 2007 with the(...)
  • Facebook Graph Search is a search engine developed by the social media giant, Facebook.(...)
  • Facebook Home was a user interface layer specifically designed for Android smartphones.(...)
  • The Facebook Like button is a feature that was introduced on the social media platform on(...)
  • Facebook malware refers to the different types of malicious software that specifically target(...)
  • The main entity in this text is Facebook's onion address. An "onion address" is a special kind(...)
  • Facebook Paper was a mobile application created by Facebook Creative Labs. Launched as their(...)
  • The Facebook Platform is a comprehensive suite of services and tools provided by Facebook for(...)
  • Facebook Safety Check is a tool developed by Facebook to help people communicate their safety(...)
  • Facebook Slingshot is a mobile application that was developed as a competitor to Snapchat.(...)
  • Facebook Stories is a feature introduced by the social media giant, Facebook, in 2017. It is a(...)
  • Facebook Watch is a video-on-demand service that was launched by the social media giant,(...)
  • Facebook Zero is a service launched by Facebook in May 2010, which offers free, or zero-rated,(...)
  • A facial recognition system is a computer-driven application used to automatically identify or(...)
  • Fact-checking is a critical process in journalism and information dissemination, used to(...)
  • Fake news refers to inaccurate or outright false information that is presented as if it were(...)
  • "Fake News Website" is a term that refers to internet sites that deliberately publish false,(...)
  • False advertising refers to the use of misleading, deceptive, or falsely claimed statements in(...)
  • False balance, an issue in journalism, occurs when journalists present an issue as being more(...)
  • "Family in Advertising" is a term referring to the depiction of family units in commercial(...)
  • A fashion influencer is an individual who leverages their social media presence to impact(...)
  • "Fear of Missing Out" or FOMO is a widely recognized term that describes the anxiety or(...)
  • The Facebook Feed, commonly referred to as the News Feed, is the primary interface that greets(...)
  • Facebook Feed, a key feature of the social media platform Facebook, has evolved significantly(...)
  • A "fictitious entry" is a term used to describe false or made-up information intentionally(...)
  • File Transfer Protocol, often abbreviated as FTP, is a standard network protocol used for(...)
  • The main entity in this text is a population pyramid of Facebook users by age. This is a(...)
  • Search Engine Optimization, often abbreviated as SEO, is a pivotal aspect of online content(...)
  • A filter bubble is a term coined by Eli Pariser in 2010, referring to the personalized(...)
  • The Financial Times (FT) is a British newspaper that specializes in reporting on business and(...)
  • Fine-tuning in deep learning is a technique used in the field of artificial intelligence,(...)
  • Flash animation is a technology and methodology used to create interactive and animated(...)
  • Flickr is an online photo management and sharing application that initially launched on(...)
  • The Fortune 500 is a notable yearly list, initiated by Edgar P. Smith in 1955, that ranks the(...)
  • Foursquare City Guide is a local search-and-discovery mobile app that provides recommendations(...)
  • Framing, a central concept in the social sciences, refers to the way we mentally represent,(...)
  • Friendica is a decentralized social networking platform that prioritizes user freedom and(...)
  • "Friending and Following on Social Media" encompasses various actions and behaviours on social(...)
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