Censura empresarial

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Censura empresarial[1] refers to the act of suppressing or banning certain content by large business entities like Google[4], Amazon, and Facebook[3]. It often involves the restriction of specific material in areas such as music, art, journalism, and entertainment, which can limit the spread of diverse viewpoints. Several instances of corporate censorship have been observed globally, with some of the most prominent ones involving tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook. While these companies were initially applauded for not engaging in political censorship, they have since faced criticism for actions like increasing e-book prices, censoring negative reviews, and complying with censorship in other countries. This practice has sparked debates about freedom of information and the extent of First Amendment rights. Corporate censorship also raises questions about the transparency of content removal processes on redes sociais[2] platforms and the impact of legal aspects like DMCA takedown notices and ag-gag laws on free speech.

Definições de termos
1. Censura empresarial ( Corporate censorship )
1 Corporate censorship refers to the act of suppressing or banning certain content by large business entities like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. It often involves the restriction of specific material in areas such as music, art, journalism, and entertainment, which can limit the spread of diverse viewpoints. Several instances of corporate censorship have been observed globally, with some of the most prominent ones involving tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook. While these companies were initially applauded for not engaging in political censorship, they have since faced criticism for actions like increasing e-book prices, censoring negative reviews, and complying with censorship in other countries. This practice has sparked debates about freedom of information and the extent of First Amendment rights. Corporate censorship also raises questions about the transparency of content removal processes on social media platforms and the impact of legal aspects like DMCA takedown notices and ag-gag laws on free speech.
2 Corporate censorship refers to the act of suppressing or banning certain content by large business entities like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. It often involves the restriction of specific material in areas such as music, art, journalism, and entertainment, which can limit the spread of diverse viewpoints. Several instances of corporate censorship have been observed globally, with some of the most prominent ones involving tech giants like Amazon, Google, and Facebook. While these companies were initially applauded for not engaging in political censorship, they have since faced criticism for actions like increasing e-book prices, censoring negative reviews, and complying with censorship in other countries. This practice has sparked debates about freedom of information and the extent of First Amendment rights. Corporate censorship also raises questions about the transparency of content removal processes on social media platforms and the impact of legal aspects like DMCA takedown notices and ag-gag laws on free speech.
2. redes sociais. Os meios de comunicação social são um termo abrangente que engloba uma variedade de ferramentas e plataformas digitais que facilitam a partilha de informações e a criação de comunidades virtuais. Surgindo dos primeiros sistemas, como o PLATO e a ARPANET, evoluíram para plataformas modernas como o Facebook e o Twitter. Estas plataformas oferecem características únicas que as diferenciam dos meios de comunicação tradicionais, incluindo a possibilidade de os utilizadores gerarem conteúdos e participarem em comunicações dialógicas. Atendem a mais de 100 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo e oferecem diferentes formas de serviços, como aplicações de mensagens e plataformas de criação de conteúdos em colaboração. A utilização das redes sociais tem impactos de grande alcance nos indivíduos, na sociedade e nas empresas, influenciando tudo, desde as práticas de marketing aos processos políticos. No entanto, está também associada a preocupações éticas, como a disseminação de desinformação e a potencial dependência.
Censura empresarial (Wikipédia)

Censura empresarial is censura by corporations. It is when a spokesperson, employer, or business associate sanctions a speaker's speech by threat of monetary loss, employment loss, or loss of access to the marketplace. It is present in many different kinds of industries.

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