Fosso digital

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O digital divide[1] refers to the gap between individuals, households, businesses, and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies. It is the disparity in the access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. The digital divide stems from various factors, including income, education, race, gender, location, age, skills, awareness, and attitudes. It is not just about the physical connection to the internet[2] but also about the quality of that connection, digital literacy, and the ability to use information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital divide became more noticeable as reliance on digital technologies increased significantly. The digital divide can exacerbate educational, health, and social disparities among different socio-economic and demographic groups.

Definições de termos
1. digital divide.
1 The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals, households, businesses, and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies. It is the disparity in the access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. The digital divide stems from various factors, including income, education, race, gender, location, age, skills, awareness, and attitudes. It is not just about the physical connection to the internet but also about the quality of that connection, digital literacy, and the ability to use information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital divide became more noticeable as reliance on digital technologies increased significantly. The digital divide can exacerbate educational, health, and social disparities among different socio-economic and demographic groups.
2 The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals, households, businesses, and geographic areas at different socio-economic levels with regard to their opportunities to access information and communication technologies. It is the disparity in the access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. The digital divide stems from various factors, including income, education, race, gender, location, age, skills, awareness, and attitudes. It is not just about the physical connection to the internet but also about the quality of that connection, digital literacy, and the ability to use information. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital divide became more noticeable as reliance on digital technologies increased significantly. The digital divide can exacerbate educational, health, and social disparities among different socio-economic and demographic groups.
2. internet. A Internet é um sistema global de redes informáticas interligadas que utilizam protocolos de comunicação normalizados, principalmente o TCP/IP, para ligar dispositivos em todo o mundo. Com origem no termo "internetted" utilizado em 1849, o termo "Internet" foi mais tarde utilizado pelo Departamento de Guerra dos EUA em 1945. O seu desenvolvimento começou com cientistas informáticos que criaram sistemas de partilha de tempo na década de 1960 e progrediu com a criação da ARPANET em 1969. A Internet é autónoma, sem uma autoridade central, e os seus principais espaços de nomes são administrados pela Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Transformou significativamente os meios de comunicação tradicionais e tem crescido exponencialmente ao longo dos anos, com os utilizadores da Internet a aumentarem anualmente de 20% para 50%. Em 2019, mais de metade da população mundial utilizou a Internet. O conjunto de protocolos da Internet, que inclui o TCP/IP e quatro camadas conceptuais, orienta os pacotes da Internet para os seus destinos. Serviços essenciais como o correio eletrónico e a telefonia via Internet funcionam na Internet. A World Wide Web, uma coleção global de documentos interligados, é uma componente essencial da Internet.
Fosso digital (Wikipédia)

O digital divide is the unequal access to digital technology, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and the internet. The digital divide creates a division and inequality around access to information and resources. In the Information Age in which information and communication technologies (ICTs) have eclipsed manufacturing technologies as the basis for world economies and social connectivity, people without access to the Internet and other ICTs are at a socio-economic disadvantage, for they are unable or less able to find and apply for jobs, shop and learn.

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