Gemini (chatbot)

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Gemini is an inteligência artificial[1] (AI) chatbot[4] desenvolvido por Google[5]. Launched in 2024, it’s a fusion of two earlier AI projects, Bard and Duet AI. The creation of Gemini was largely a response to the popularity of OpenAI[6]’s ChatGPT. It was initially tested by a select group of 10,000 users before its official release. Gemini is integrated into Pesquisa no Google[2], providing users with a conversational AI assistant. It gained global attention and was showcased at the 2023 Google I/O keynote. However, Gemini’s reception was mixed, with some controversies surrounding its output. It also features in an Android app launched in February 2024. Despite challenges, Gemini represents an important step in the ongoing development of AI tecnologia[3].

Definições de termos
1. inteligência artificial.
1 A Inteligência Artificial (IA) refere-se ao domínio da ciência da computação que tem por objetivo criar sistemas capazes de realizar tarefas que normalmente exigiriam a inteligência humana. Estas tarefas incluem o raciocínio, a aprendizagem, o planeamento, a perceção e a compreensão da linguagem. A IA tem origem em diferentes domínios, incluindo a psicologia, a linguística, a filosofia e a neurociência. Este domínio é proeminente no desenvolvimento de modelos de aprendizagem automática e de sistemas de processamento de linguagem natural. Desempenha também um papel importante na criação de assistentes virtuais e de sistemas de computação afectiva. As aplicações da IA estendem-se a vários sectores, incluindo os cuidados de saúde, a indústria, a administração pública e a educação. Apesar dos seus benefícios, a IA também suscita preocupações éticas e sociais, exigindo políticas regulamentares. A IA continua a evoluir com técnicas avançadas, como a aprendizagem profunda e a IA generativa, oferecendo novas possibilidades em vários sectores.
2 A Inteligência Artificial, vulgarmente conhecida por IA, é um domínio da ciência informática dedicado à criação de máquinas inteligentes que executam tarefas que normalmente requerem o intelecto humano. Estas tarefas incluem a resolução de problemas, o reconhecimento do discurso, a compreensão da linguagem natural e a tomada de decisões. A IA divide-se em dois tipos: a IA restrita, que é concebida para executar uma tarefa específica, como o reconhecimento de voz, e a IA geral, que pode executar quaisquer tarefas intelectuais que um ser humano possa fazer. É uma tecnologia em constante evolução que se baseia em vários domínios, incluindo a informática, a matemática, a psicologia, a linguística e a neurociência. Os conceitos fundamentais da IA incluem o raciocínio, a representação do conhecimento, o planeamento, o processamento da linguagem natural e a perceção. A IA tem aplicações abrangentes em vários sectores, desde os cuidados de saúde e os jogos até ao militar e à criatividade, e as suas considerações e desafios éticos são fundamentais para o seu desenvolvimento e implementação.
2. Pesquisa no Google ( Google Search )
1 Google Search is a powerful internet search engine developed by Google. It uses complex algorithms and indexing systems to trawl through hundreds of terabytes of information on the web, providing users with links to relevant pages, including cached versions of sites that are presently unavailable. Google Search supports various file types like PDFs and Word documents. The platform includes features like SafeSearch, which filters explicit content, and provides a detailed analysis of a site's importance through its patented PageRank system. Google Search also boasts a user-friendly interface with features like rich snippets, the Knowledge Graph, and the Personal Tab, which enhance the user's search experience. Additionally, it has evolved to offer image, news, and video search capabilities, and even voice search in the Chrome browser. Beyond searching web pages, Google operates a suite of tools and services, offering a comprehensive, personalized internet search experience.
2 Google Search is an extensive web search engine developed by Google. It's known for its vast indexing capacity, encompassing hundreds of terabytes of information from countless web pages and diverse file types. Google Search has continuously evolved since its launch in 2012, with significant algorithm upgrades like Caffeine and Medic aimed at enhancing speed, relevance, and user-friendliness. It offers various features including SafeSearch, PageRank, and Google Discover to refine and personalize search results. Its interface comprises rich snippets and cards, and a knowledge graph for detailed results. Despite reports of declining search results quality in recent years, Google continues to combat spam and improve its core algorithms. The platform also offers an array of tools for searching web pages, images, news, and videos. Google Search is widely used worldwide and has spawned an industry of search engine optimization consultants.
Gemini (chatbot) (Wikipédia)

Gémeos, formerly known as Bard, is a inteligência artificial generativa chatbot desenvolvido por Google. Based on the grande modelo linguístico (LLM) of the same name and developed as a direct response to the meteoric rise of OpenAI's ChatGPT, it was launched in a limited capacity in March 2023 before expanding to other countries in May. It was previously based on PaLM, and initially the LaMDA family of large language models.

Criador(es)Google AI
Lançamento inicialMarch 21, 2023; 12 months ago (2023-03-21)
Stable release
March 4, 2024; 37 days ago (2024-03-04)
Sistema operativo
Available in46 languages
239 countries
Sítio Editar isto no Wikidata

LaMDA had been developed and announced in 2021, but it was not released to the public out of an abundance of caution. OpenAI's launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 and its subsequent popularity caught Google executives off-guard and sent them into a panic, prompting a sweeping response in the ensuing months. After mobilizing its workforce, the company launched Bard in February 2023, which took center stage during the 2023 Google I/O keynote in May and was upgraded to the Gemini LLM in December. Bard and Duet AI were unified under the Gemini brand in February 2024, coinciding with the launch of an Android app.

Gemini has received lukewarm responses. It became the center of controversy in February 2024, when social media users and conservative commentators reported that it was generating historically inaccurate images of historical figures as people of color.

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