Marketing interativo

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Interactive marketing is a dynamic form of marketing in which businesses directly engage with customers using digital tecnologia[3]. This strategy, seen as a crucial component of e-commerce, has been prevalent since 1995. It involves using platforms like, established in 1999, to foster direct customer[4] interaction. Marketing de conteúdos[1], a subset of interactive marketing, gained traction in the late 1990s and was further propelled by the founding of Hubspot in 2006. Today, interactive marketing is used widely for communication via redes sociais[2], generating leads in sales[5] funnels, and creating audience-relevant content. This approach helps position companies as industry leaders and generates inbound leads through gated content and nurturing relationships.

Definições de termos
1. Marketing de conteúdos ( Content marketing ) Content marketing is a strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. It has a rich history dating back to 1732, with examples like Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack and Johnson & Johnson's antiseptic wound treatment publication. The term was first used in 1996 and has since evolved with the rise of social networks and online platforms. Today, it is a vital tool used by brands like Red Bull and to engage audiences and build brand loyalty. It is measured by various metrics, including visitor numbers, time spent on a page, click-through rates, and customer feedback. While it presents challenges like continuous content delivery and transitioning to a media publishing mindset, it also offers opportunities for sales conversion and innovation.
2. redes sociais. Os meios de comunicação social são um termo abrangente que engloba uma variedade de ferramentas e plataformas digitais que facilitam a partilha de informações e a criação de comunidades virtuais. Surgindo dos primeiros sistemas, como o PLATO e a ARPANET, evoluíram para plataformas modernas como o Facebook e o Twitter. Estas plataformas oferecem características únicas que as diferenciam dos meios de comunicação tradicionais, incluindo a possibilidade de os utilizadores gerarem conteúdos e participarem em comunicações dialógicas. Atendem a mais de 100 milhões de utilizadores em todo o mundo e oferecem diferentes formas de serviços, como aplicações de mensagens e plataformas de criação de conteúdos em colaboração. A utilização das redes sociais tem impactos de grande alcance nos indivíduos, na sociedade e nas empresas, influenciando tudo, desde as práticas de marketing aos processos políticos. No entanto, está também associada a preocupações éticas, como a disseminação de desinformação e a potencial dependência.

Marketing interativo, sometimes called trigger-based ou event-driven marketing, is a marketing strategy that uses two-way communication channels to allow consumers to connect with a company directly. Although this exchange can take place in person, in the last decade it has increasingly taken place almost exclusively online through correio eletrónico, redes sociaise blogs.

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